Thursday, October 1, 2009

I grew up in the most Southwestern region in the United States. The sounds of Donkey, Roosters, Chickens, Peacocks, Horses and non-suburban common animals were a monotony in a common kind of suburbia. This area is know to us locals as Tocayo Ranch, which was once all farm land. Suzie's farm is located two minutes from the border of tocayo ave and the 5 south exit, perpendicular to the 905 freeway. Check out their website they have a cool blog going. I cant seem to stress how important it is to support your local farmers. Not by buying from produce companies but, by buying directly from the farms. Especially if they the are sowing organic sustainable agriculture. Chef just recentlly schooled me on this farm minutes from my house. We have just started recentlly using their arugula and micro greens. They also own Sun Grown Organics. I took some time to visit them. Maybe, it will be something common. Thank you Robin and Lucila!

Pictured below (Fennel, Swiss Chard, okra, beets, sage, beans, peppers, broccoli, green onions, spinach, beets, pumpkins, cabbage, a paddy pan squash the size of my hand! squah blossoms, thai and regular basil arugula.

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